Why the spirit is blind whend the body is blind?

According with the Spiritual Theory the incarnated spirit is connected to the physical body through the brain mediated by the Mind. Seeing in the physical world requires the use of eyes that receive images that are converted into neural signals that travel to a specific region in the brain. There, the physical signals are transferred to the Mind (the spiritual path) where it is interpreted for the knowledge of the spirit.
Since an incarnated spirit during its physical life is totally isolated from the spiritual reality by the mind, its only source of information is coming from the physical world through the physical senses. However, the conscious state (when the spirit is awake in the body) is not the only state of the spirit. There are 2 more states to consider: the dreaming/faint state and the mediumistic state.
The dreaming/faint state is a state in which spirit and mind are dislocated from its conscious location which is overlapped to the brain. It is similar to what happen when the processor is removed from the motherboard in a PC. The consequence is a spiritual being under a state of confusion, with no clear idea about him. It is exactly what happens when we are sleeping.
The other state, the mediumistic state occurs when the spirit is displaced from its conscious location on the brain but the mind still remains connected. This particular state is what allows the existence of speaker mediums and out of body experience. This is what happens to some people during near death experiences. Instead of falling into a confusing-dreaming state they are entering first into a mediumistic state that allow them to have a conscious out of body experience. In this state they can perceive everything that is physically happening around their bodies simultaneously with what is happening at the spiritual level.
Strictly speaking spirits don’t see or hear or smell etc, spirits have perceptions received through their entire spiritual structure. These perceptions are coming in the form of spiritual vibrations carrying detail information about the source and the event that originate them. During incarnation, the spirit is powerfully controlled by the mind which first submerge the spirit into a confusion state and then into an amnesia state. The first state, the confusion state, is only release when the spirit is awake in the body; and the second state, the amnesia state, is permanent during incarnation and end after disincarnation. This is the reason why we can’t remember past lives.
During incarnation, that is during the physical life, the incarnated spirit has only one way to communicate with the outside world and that way is through the body. Since the body has only the physical senses to perceive what is going on around him, any damage to any sense will affect its ability to perceive that world. So if the sight is damage, the spirit get blind, if is unable to hear the spirit get deaf, etc. Of course the spirit is not blind or deaf; he just lost the channels of communication with the physical world associated with those senses.
However the spirit using its intelligence can compensate for the missing senses improving its physical perceptions through other senses, which is what happens most of the time. Only when the spirit is free from the body and mind after disincarnation, he can recover its ability to have full perceptions.
This is a response to the Skeptic article:
What Science Really Says About the Soul
Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 | ISSN 1556-5696

Author: ISRSP

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