Question: I’d love to hear about what the dead do. What sort of restaurants they go to and what their casinos are like.

I’d love to hear about what the dead do. What sort of restaurants they go to and what their casinos are like.

First at all the only dead is the body. The intelligent conscious being (i.e. you and me) continues to exist in its own reality, the spiritual reality. By definition the spiritual reality exists beyond the physical reality, so there are no such things like restaurants or casinos. Spirits are beings of infinite existence that have no need for eating or “refueling”. They are the same beings that once lived as the intelligence and conscious “driver” of other bodies, although there are many, many more that never had that experience. They spend their “time” in multiple activities according with their level of harmony. Those with low harmony are usually trapped in the darkness of their own ignorance, unable to clearly understand their existence and many times immersed in the anxiety of their poor condition. But those with higher levels of harmony are more like scientists working together to better understand their reality, planning forms to increase harmony in every single spirit, so they can create an increasing group of intelligences working together. There is no matter there, and in fact matter (its components) represents the lowest state of harmony possible which is only important due to incarnation, a process that inevitably drag some of the lowest harmonic beings into that weird hybrid state of a spiritual being living temporarily in a body. That is why you and I are here now, under this temporally state, deprived of all our pass memories and powerfully influenced by the instinctive orders stored in our bodies.

Author: ISRSP

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